A contact lens examination/assessment is an add-on to our comprehensive eye exam.
A contact lens examination can have several components, these include a consultation with the optometrist, measurements of the eyes to assess the best lens fit and design, a tear film evaluation, a lesson on how to insert and remove the lenses and finally a final fit assessment after a trial of a week or two.
A contact lens fitting includes a trial of contact lenses after the initial exam and successful insert and removal.
These lenses are ordered into us according to your specifications, upon collection you will be given another appointment where the next stage is to teach you how to insert, remove, and care for them. Should your eyes not tolerate the lens material after a trial period, the optician may change some parameters.
There are a few visits involved until we can finalise your best vision, fit and overall confidence with inserting and removing the lenses safely.
Remember when attending that some people may not be good candidates for contact lenses due to prescription or may be unsuccessful with insert and removal. Contact lenses may not be a good option for those who may have had repeated eye infections or suffer from severe allergic reactions.
Adjusting to Contact Lenses
While there might be some getting used to them the first time you try contacts, the discomfort should go away quickly. Contact lenses should feel natural and be unnoticeable throughout your day. If your eyes are hurting, something is wrong. Make sure to call and arrange a reassessment.
If you are interested in switching to contact lenses request an appointment online or contact us if you have any questions!